So I wrote a set of words to my favourite hymn (if you're in a hurry, scroll to the bottom to find them) for our Ridley Hall 'creative theology art project and quiet morning'. The theme was 'face to face', looking at Genesis 32 and Jacob wrestling with God. So the link to my favourite hymn 'I heard the voice of Jesus say', is maybe a bit tenuous. But I was thinking about how Jacob is amazed he has been face-to-face with God and hasn't died. But Jesus shows us exactly what God is like, without worrying about dying. In John's gospel, He also uses signs (the 'I am' statements) to show us who He is. That takes us the hymn (to the Vaughan Williams Kingsfold tune, please, like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rr_4M5LQLo). It has one of the 'I am' statements of John (I am the light of the world - Jn 8:12) as one of the verses. But I've always thought it would be elegant/tidy if the other verses were the other 'I am' statements from John. So I've written verses for them: I am the Bread of life Jn 6:35 I am the Light of world 8:12 I am the Door 10:9 I am the Good Shepherd John 10:11-14 I am the Resurrection and life Jn 11:25 I am the Way truth and life Jn14:6 I am the Vine Jn 15:1-5 Here they are below. I invite you to reflect on them with the Bible verses in front of you. It turns out writing hymn verses is hard!
I hereby give my consent for these lyrics to be used, printed, distributed and discussed for any Christian ministry. If you are able to, please add an attribution or a link to this blog. Thanks! ------------------------------ I heard the voice of Jesus say, “I am the bread of life. All those that hunger deep within may eat and end their strife.” I came to Jesus and I ate from His eternal feast, that manna which shall never fail from Paschal Lamb and Priest. --------------------------------- I heard the voice of Jesus say “I am the sheepfold’s door; Enter this fold, in safety lie ‘gainst wolf and robber sure.” And as this sinner dared approach The gates swung open wide. Our Pastor binds our wounds yet bears His wounded hands and side. ----------------------------------- I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Your shepherd true am I. No hireling just to make his wage, for you I freely die”. I came to Jesus and I knew Him just as He knew me. Sheep from all folds He calls by name that one flock all may be. --------------------------------- I heard my Saviour say “I am the risen life from death. Have faith in me, and though you die you’ll taste not life’s last breath.” Inspired by Martha, so I pledged my trust in life to come, that through this perfect God-man’s death, O’er sin my Lord has won. ------------------------------------- I heard the voice of Jesus say, “way, truth and life I’ll be: The way to God, truth of His love, and life, you’ll find in me.” And though we may with Thomas cry, “I do not know the way”, I trust that He will lead me home, and by His side I’ll stay. --------------------------------------- I heard the voice of Jesus say, “I am the grape-vine true. Your branch is barren; dwell in me and fruit will grow from you.” Grafted to Jesus, then I found new shoots of life did spring. His e’er-adopted child I am, and He, my Friend and King. ------------------------------